We receive a lot of e-mails and letters from people telling us how much Bible Framework Ministries means to them. We are happy to share a few of those communications with you. We'd love to hear from you as well.
“I have learned a lot from listening to framework & Deuteronomy. It has helped me tremendously! 2 of my 3 sons are also listening. My oldest son was involved with…
The Bible Framework was recommended to me by one of my elders. I am premillennial and he's an amillennial. Nevertheless, he recommended this series (in spite of the well-deserved jab…
“Thank you more than words can say for making the CDs available. I am most appreciative in many ways for the messages. The most important ... I want to be…
“[My] long commute each day gives me 2½ hours to listen to all types of Bible studies. And the Biblical Framework is without a doubt the best single series on…
“I have been mightily blest through Charles Clough teaching ministry. The quality of the teaching is without peer, and the relationship to the contemporary culture gives it even more relevance…
“Having listened to only a dozen lessons in the Framework series, a kernel of confidence is growing in me. I actually think I could contend for my faith with a…
“I have all of Charlie's messages and have gone completely through the Framework once—and have repeated many messages again. I have also gone through Deuteronomy twice and repeated some messages…
“This series was recommended to me by my CFO of [major insurance company]. ... I seemed to get these lectures at a unique crisis in my life, then time opened…