Four-part conference series at Beth Haven Bible Church on May 12–14, 2017.

For the past two and a half centuries the authority of the Bible has gradually withered from the onslaught of claims made by what is called science. Today any remaining biblical authority is rigidly confined to a religious ghetto. Even prominent evangelical scholars are hedging on the meaning of inerrancy.

Why? At no time in all of church history has there ever been more evidence of the trustworthiness of the Bible concerning all its claims—historical, philosophical, scientific—than now exists.

This four-part series goes beneath the popular rhetoric we so often hear from our secular educational institutions and media.

It uncovers the widespread equivocal use of nouns like “science” and “religion”; the disregard for how the scientific method radically changes when studying the unobservable past; and the resulting damage done in medicine, psychology, environmental policy, and worship.

To listen to the Thinking More Deeply About the Bible, Science, Reason, & Language series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:

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Finally, in Part 6 you will enlarge your vision of present history that lies between the Messiah’s ascent into Heaven and His imminent return to earth. Where did Jesus go? What is He waiting for? What ought to be our mission today? These questions and others are answered in this concluding section of the course.

This is the sixth and final part of this series on God’s historical framework of revealed doctrine. This series has covered so far the historical and doctrinal truths from the creation to the first advent of Jesus Christ. One further area of truth remains: the origin and purpose of the Church. As a fitting conclusion to this series, therefore, Part 6 completes the framework with the doctrine of the Church or, in terms of the great Apostles’ Creed, “The Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.”

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Part 5 focuses upon the most unique Person in all of history—Jesus Christ. You will see how His birth, life, death, and resurrection deeply challenge everyone to answer His question “who do you say I am?” We expose all our notions of God, man, divine revelation, justice, and the nature of the physical universe by the way we respond.

Part 5 demonstrates that one cannot know or love Jesus apart from Old Testament revelation given prior to His appearance and from revelation given in creation that dwells in and around each person continually. Starry-eyed, immature converts notwithstanding, one can never really appreciate Jesus in a God-pleasing manner until he looks at Him in a perspective like the framework presented in Parts 2 through 4. The first Christians had this framework; and, as a result, they “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).

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By the end of Part 4 you will have covered every critical event of Old Testament history and have learned how God’s laws impartially work out in human experience. You will gain a deeper appreciation of the individual and societal results of disobedience to God’s directions and how they ironically provide the basis for true hope.

In Part 4 we look not at the offense toward the outside pagan world but at the inner life of the elect nation Israel. Having been chosen by God as the instrument for bringing His Kingdom to the human race, Israel experienced a special history. Her history was controlled by the great covenants such as the Abrahamic unconditional covenant of election and the Sinaitic conditional covenant of kingdom rule. On the one hand, Israel's future destiny was secure in terms of her racial continuity, her national geographic location, and her mission to the world. On the other hand, Israel's passage through time toward that destiny was conditioned upon her loyalty to Yahweh: blessing for obedience; cursing for rebellion. Thousands of Israelites would be lost. At times her very historical existence seemed to hang by a thread.

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In Part 3 you will study the unique role that the Hebrew nation plays in history to save human civilization. By examining five key events together with God’s explanations of them, you will sharpen your understanding of the divine design of human society and the biblical profile of a hero-leader versus pagan models of utopias and heroes.

Part 3 of the Framework course covers the early history of God’s Kingdom program from immediately after the cataclysmic flood in Noah’s day through the birth of the nation Israel to the reign of King David. This is that period of time known as the “rise of civilization” and “ancient history”. This is the time when God did a unique historic work in starting the national existence of Israel. As we read in Deuteronomy, “What nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them, ... that hath the statutes and judgments so righteous as this law?” (Deuteronomy 4:7–8) Indeed, at the end of history this work with Israel is the object of a heavenly anthem (Revelation 15:3) and the last war (Revelation 20:9).

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Part 2 takes you through Genesis 1–11, the “prolegomena” of the Bible. You will learn how it contrasts with pagan origin myths, both ancient and modern, and how it provides vital information concerning cosmology, life, death, evil, language, social order, and history that is available nowhere else.

This part of the Framework course deals with the very foundation of biblical faith—origins. In this study you see how the universe around you and even your heart inside you have always borne clear testimony to your Creator. Their testimony is so clear that the carnal mind (being always at enmity with God) has had to suppress this truth to try to avoid responsibility before Him. Thus paganism, whether ancient or modern in form, has a powerful ethical motive in viciously and unrelentingly attacking the first eleven chapters of Genesis as “mythological.”

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To listen to Part 2 of the Framework series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.

Seven audio Lessons taught at North Stonington Bible Church, CT, Labor Day Weekend 2008

The apostles John and Paul each had their own way of teaching the Christian life. Although the truths they taught are consistent, Bible students must respect their individual vocabularies and rationale.

This mini-series surveys how the aged apostle John taught the Christian life in his epistle of 1 John. It provides a stimulating adjunct to the usual fare of Pauline teaching.

To listen to the Living the Christian Life series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:

Three lessons taught at West Houston Bible Church, Houston, TX, January 2006

Eschatology is a view of the future. Without it, there can be no hope and endurance for the conflicts of life. So everyone has an eschatology of some sort. But only the Bible presents an objective, historical hope.

Two popular pseudo-eschatologies—Marxism and Global Environmentalism—are contrasted with the true eschatology grounded upon divine “contracts” of the Bible.

To listen to the Faith-Rest Drill series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software:

Seven-part Labor Day Conference series at North Stonington Bible Church on September 4-6, 2010

This seven-part Labor Day series highlights the early labor movement in the late 19th century and its ensuing influences on present culture and policy making.

Utilizing appropriate parts of the Framework, it challenges us to examine how labor, value, and property were to be treated under the Old Testament version of the Kingdom of God, and how Jesus Christ exemplifies those policies in His redemptive work.

The biblical meaning of “social justice” is contrasted with how that term is misused today.

To listen to the Looking at Labor and Reward from God's Perspective series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software: